How to Put Yourself First Without Mom Guilt

Stacy S. Crawley_How To Put Yourself First Without Mom Guilt

Hey there Mama! 

Let me ask you a few questions…

  • Have you ever thought to yourself that self-care was selfish and that prioritizing yourself is actually putting your family last? 

  • Have you ever wanted to do something for you, but felt an overwhelming sense of mom guilt?

Mom guilt can take us on a serious rollercoaster of emotions. It can make us feel like we’re not doing enough, that we’re not enough, or not being enough. It can even make us question our mothering/parenting skills. 

Mom guilt can totally take you to a dark and crazy place at times, right?! 

When it comes to doing something that you love to do...something that’s going to recharge your battery and your soul, it’s not a luxury or something that we should’s something that we MUST do!

See, we have to prioritize our needs and desires, because if we’re not happy, no one around us is going to be happy either. My motto is and will always be...HAPPY MOM = HAPPY FAMILY.


As moms, we set the tone for our homes, which means we set the atmosphere. Everything starts with us. So, if we’re not in a good space and we’re not happy...typically our homes will be in that same space. 

There may be tension in the air, but if we’re happy, good, satisfied, and fulfilled in life, all the better! 

Remember, putting yourself first is not selfish, it’s a necessity! It’s non-negotiable!

So, here are 3 ways to prioritize yourself without experiencing mom guilt or feeling like you’re sacrificing time with your kids and/or your husband:

1. Keep the lines of communication open with your family

Tell your family where you are and how you’re feeling. Explain to your kids that mommy’s not feeling so well and mommy needs time to herself. Most times, we don’t give kids enough credit, more specifically young kids. I totally feel like they understand...we just have to communicate with them. Open to them and let them know how you feel and that you need time to recharge by yourself. 


Also, take time to talk to your spouse/partner and let them know where you are. Whether you’re feeling a sense of overwhelm or stress, be sure to communicate this to your family. 

2. Be present in whatever moment you’re in

In order to not feel as though you’re putting your family last or being selfish when you need to prioritize yourself, be present! Be present when you’re with your family. Whether you’re having game name, watching a movie, or just hanging out, playing around the house, or on a date night with your present. Be in the moment! Take time to disconnect from your phone and/or laptop and just be in the moment! 

And...when you’re spending time with in that moment! Soak up that time and be present with yourself. Whether you’re doing your nails, watching a movie, going out by yourself or present!


Don’t worry about finishing the laundry, folding clothes, or any other responsibility currently on your to-do list. Those things can wait!

3. Create systems and routines in your home

It’s so important to create systems and routines in your home so that you can have more time for yourself.  For example, I have four young kids and in order to prioritize myself, I make sure my kids are in bed every night between 7pm and 7:30pm. To me, it’s a win-win for everyone. They get the rest they need and I get time to myself to do whatever it is I need to do, whether that’s working in my business, watching tv, and spending time with my hubby. 

If you’re up to it, consider a night routine where you devote a short amount of time to prepare for the next day and take care of any household chores. 

You can also implement a morning routine where you get up early before the kids and have a cup of coffee/tea, meditate, pray, journal, and/or exercise to get your day started on the right track! 


So, these are the three things I have implemented in my own my life to ensure that I have enough time to prioritize myself and spend quality time with my family without the mom guilt. 

In today's video, I'm going to discuss how you can prioritize yourself without dealing with mom guilt! It's so crucial that as moms, we take care of ourselve...

If you need support in this area, click here to book a free discovery call with me today!

Until next time,

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